Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's A Boy!

It has been two weeks almost three since we found out that we will be having a little baby boy. I am super excited about this. I can't believe it. Everyone kept telling me that we were having a girl. So I keep looking and had all girl stuff picked out. I wanted a little boy so bad but I just had it in my mind that I was going to have a girl. So in December we will be welcoming our new little baby boy. We have decided that we will be naming our little boy Bryce Christopher Richerson. We are very excited. Mom came up the weekend we found out what that we would be having Bryce. We went and registered and had a great time. It has been a wonderful pregnancy so far. Until I turned 22 weeks pregnant and then I was placed in the hospital from Sunday-Tuesday and Thursday- Sunday. It wasnt very good. They never found out what was wrong with me. I was in lots of pain and they thought it was my kidneys but it wasnt so they dont really know. I went to church on Sunday and got prayed for and the pain left. I am giving God praise for that. I am going to dr on Thursday so I will keep everyone posted.