Tuesday, October 20, 2009

31wk appointment

Just got back from the Dr had to go in today because I was having contractions. They put me on the monitor and I had 3 major ones within 30mins. I finally got to see my Dr for the first time in 4wks. She checked me and I had not dialted at all...which is a good think...She told me to come home on my medication and to make sure I am taking it on a regular bases. She is continuing to see me once a week. She is going to do an ultrasound November 3rd to check my placenta and if it has not moved our plan is to have a c-section at 37wks. I will keep everyone updated and we will see what happens!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Update Bryce and I

It has been a really long time since I have posted any updates. I keep forgetting to come on here. Well the last time I had posted we just found out that we were having a little boy and I had just got out of the hospital. Well this time I am posting and I just got out of the hospital last Thursday. I went into the hospital last Monday. I went to the Dr with a little spotting and cramping really bad. She did an ultrasound on me to find that my cervix looked great and my placenta previa was still there. My placenta still had not moved. Because I had spotted and was having the cramping she felt she should put me in and watch me for a few days. I had a little minor contractions while in the hospital. She put me on Mag to stop the contractions and it help. But then I had a reaction to it and they had to take me off of it. I didn't have any contractions until Thursday Morning and I had a small one nothing major. So she requested a detailed ultrasound of the baby and me. So I went to the High Risk Dr for an ultrasound while in the hospital. He did a great job explaining everything to me and got some really good pictures of the baby. Everything with Bryce looked great he was growing like he should and everything was good. The Dr said that my Placenta Previa wasn't complete but it was really close. He said the position of it then didn't indicate that it was going to move at all. So he didn't think it was going to move therefore if it doesn't I will have to have c-section. To back up a little on Monday and Tuesday they have me steroids to help Bryce's lungs develop faster. I asked the Dr if this meant I was going to have him early. And she says as of right now she doesn't see any reason for me to have to deliver early. She said that it might change in the next week or so but right now she doesn't see any reason for me to have to deliver early. So she came in after the ultrasound and decided to let me go home. But she said that I have to be on complete bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy unless my placenta moves and she feels that she can let me off. So I am just praying for God's protecting hand and that everything will go okay. I go back to Dr. this Friday and I will let everyone know how things go. Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's A Boy!

It has been two weeks almost three since we found out that we will be having a little baby boy. I am super excited about this. I can't believe it. Everyone kept telling me that we were having a girl. So I keep looking and had all girl stuff picked out. I wanted a little boy so bad but I just had it in my mind that I was going to have a girl. So in December we will be welcoming our new little baby boy. We have decided that we will be naming our little boy Bryce Christopher Richerson. We are very excited. Mom came up the weekend we found out what that we would be having Bryce. We went and registered and had a great time. It has been a wonderful pregnancy so far. Until I turned 22 weeks pregnant and then I was placed in the hospital from Sunday-Tuesday and Thursday- Sunday. It wasnt very good. They never found out what was wrong with me. I was in lots of pain and they thought it was my kidneys but it wasnt so they dont really know. I went to church on Sunday and got prayed for and the pain left. I am giving God praise for that. I am going to dr on Thursday so I will keep everyone posted.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 week check up

Sorry everyone that it is has taken me several weeks to write here and update. I went to the dr on June 24th for my 16 week check up and everything with the baby was great. The baby's heartbeat was 168 so it has increased since the last time. I have only gained a half a pound. I asked how in the world because I look like I have gained alot..LOL...They say it is because all of my weight is moving to my stomach...I go back the 31st of July to find out what we are going to have. We are super excited for that day. I will keep everyone up to date!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

12 weeks dr visit

Hey everyone we went for our 12 week dr visit today. Everything is going good with the me and the baby. The baby had a great heartbeat of 165. The baby is growing and doing just great. I am doing good. I have been really sick with sinus stuff but other than that I am doing pretty good. I go back to the dr on June 26th for my 16 week appointment. I will find out what the baby is going to be in July.We are really excited. Just want to keep everyone up to date. We love everyone!

Friday, May 1, 2009

2nd Dr Visit

So we went to the dr today and I was very nervous and Chris felt really bad for me because I had made myself sick being so nervous. We had the ultrasound done and I was so scaried that we wouldnt see the baby this week either. But we server an amazing God, and we heard a very strong heartbeat and saw the baby. It was so special to get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. We were super excited and glad to know we are really having a baby.

We found out that our due date is December the 19th now. We are hoping to go early so we arent so close to Christmas. We are just wanting a very healthly child. Just continue to pray for us that we will make it through this with a strong and healthly child. We will keep you update and we will post pics soon of my ultrasound.


Chris, Jessica, and baby bug

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We found out on April the 10th that we would be having our first child. We had blood work done and they found that I was pregnant. They schedule for my first ultrasound on April 24th. I went to my first ultrasound they found that I wasn't as far along they thought I was. I am only 6weeks. They could only see the sac no baby yet. I have talk with several people and they state this is normal. I go back to the dr May 1st to have another ultrasound. I am really worried but trying not. I will know Friday what is going on. My est. due date is December 13th, 2009. I am very excited. Chris and I are very excited and can't wait for the baby to be here. I will keep you post. Thanks for all of your prayers.