Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We found out on April the 10th that we would be having our first child. We had blood work done and they found that I was pregnant. They schedule for my first ultrasound on April 24th. I went to my first ultrasound they found that I wasn't as far along they thought I was. I am only 6weeks. They could only see the sac no baby yet. I have talk with several people and they state this is normal. I go back to the dr May 1st to have another ultrasound. I am really worried but trying not. I will know Friday what is going on. My est. due date is December 13th, 2009. I am very excited. Chris and I are very excited and can't wait for the baby to be here. I will keep you post. Thanks for all of your prayers.


  1. glad to see you joined the blog craze!! its a great way to keep in touch...we love it! hope you guys are doing yall
